Day of Equine Glamour shoot information page
My contact info in case of emergency or schedule interruption is
Karrie Ann Snure 530-859-2292
Please refer to our conversations or your invoice for confirmation of your shoot time
Address for your session is 5701 North Old Stage rd Mt Shasta Ca 96067
Its a little yellow mailbox on the west side of the road and 300 foot dirt/gravel drive, please stay parked on the gravel not off on the dirt. It is a functional loop driveway for those of you hauling trailers. The house is brown with a decorative aspen log fence
You are welcome to pet the goats through the fence but please do not pet the horses, some of them are naughty and think fingers are treats :)
*Sessions are typically 15 minutes per horse
*Come with your horse bathed, groomed and ready to be photographed. Please do not worry about small imperfections, bite marks or scars. I will touch up all of those during the editing process.
*I will have you handle your own horse and provide someone to guide their attention and ears.
*I will tactly and safely use a modality of tools to accomplish the desired emotions, starting out with mild prompts and working our way up the scale for those harder to satisfy bombproof horses :)
*4-6 final (best of the best) Images will be delivered via a private gallery within one week.
Print ordering information
Your sitting fee includes the following gift items. 2 magnets, 2 sets of 4 wallet prints, 1 button and a 5x7 print of your choice. You have 1 week to make edit requests and place your print order in which gift items will be mailed with. After one week the gift items will no longer be included but images will always stay accessible to order from.
Print purchase incentives including digitals
Spend $295+ in prints and receive 2 branded digital downloads with social media release
Spend $495+ in prints and receive 4 branded digital downloads with social media release
Spend $695+ in prints and receive 6 branded digital downloads with social media release
All print orders include only a very small makers mark of KA in the bottom corner, gift items include the photoshop magic and shasta photography byka branding.
**Additional high resolution downloads with "print release" and "no branding" are available for purchase at $49 each as well as a buyout deal on entire gallery. Message me for more info.
Sample print pricing
5x7 Lustre print $25
8x10 Lustre print $40
11x14 Lustre print $110
16x20 Lustre print $266
11x14 canvas gallery wrap $226
16x20 canvas gallery wrap $301
11x14 modern metal $209
16x24 modern metal $436.97
There are no minimums on print ordering, alacart options are available as well as...
Images will be delivered via a private link gallery with copyright protection watermark overlay as seen in examples below...
Before and After examples...